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"Using C2Perform has been a game changer. The time I save on coaching prep and finding performance data saves me 5-10 hours a week."

Team LeaderGlobal Multiline Insurance Provder
an image that represents saving time

Packed with features that save you time

One-Stop Info Shop

Our User Activity Summary gives you key employee activity— quality results, coaching sessions, training, and more —in one place, saving you time.

Simplify Action Plans

Easily improve performance with our Action Plan feature, with templates connected to coaching and automatic documentation.

Consistent Follow Up

Assign follow up activities automatically or manually to ensure developmental tasks are happening to improve performance.

Spot Trends Easily

Customizable performance dashboards quickly bring data together, making it easy for you to spot trends and focus your coaching efforts.


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Ideas, how-tos, insights, research and advice - all focused on improving your organization’s performance and driving more engagement with your teams.

Ditch the Spreadsheets: How Outdated Tools Are Hurting Your Operation

If you're managing some type of customer support operation or contact center using spreadsheets, shared drives, and a mashup of single-purpose solutions, you're fighting an uphill battle.  

These tools may have done the job in the past, but in today's fast-paced world, they're a bit like using dial-up internet.

Let's look at the impact on your business and what you can do about it.

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Four Employee Engagement Strategies That Work

If there’s one thing we hear about from all our clients, it’s the ongoing challenge in finding, getting and keeping the best possible workforce. This is especially true now: People are changing jobs more frequently (or thinking about it), demand for good employees is at historical highs and demands to deliver on a company’s customer experience (CX) promise have never been higher. Plus, upward pressures on pay make each hiring decision that much more critical.

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Using Employee Coaching to Improve Workforce Retention Rates

Voluntary employee turnover can have a major impact on any kind of business. While the specific cost of replacing an individual employee will vary based on industry and employee role, the price tag of employee turnover can easily exceed thousands of dollars. Estimates from Gallup put the annual cost of voluntary turnover in U.S. businesses at $1 trillion per year.

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